Friday, August 9, 2024


 It is 3 AM ...i am awake  today 10th Aug 2024.

As usual opened my tab to read ... suddenly it dawned on me.... i have not written any thing though my mind is crowded with   things / thoughts / happenings .... for these long years  from 2008 i started the blog to write and not    know when i stopped ........ it's  2024   ..

.    !!!!

I tried opening my blog  doubting if i will be able to .... went to Google ....alas i found it  ... my blog title Feelings .. suddenly  i found oh  !

Yes its a great dawn  this morning 3 Am  ... ...

I started writing    ... i saw the column for tittle  ..  IT DAWNED ON ME   THAT I SHOULD START WRITING NOW OR NEVER ... .. I WROTE THE TITTLE ... The Dawn .... the beautiful Dawn  ...  Morning is quit... i can hear  tip  ... tip ...tip...  drops of  rain ..outside my window.......!!!

   Thank God.....  i found my window to breath fresh ,  peep out for some sun shine , fresh breeze on my tired  face... ....!

 Hope i will be able to post this ....  after such long years  ...not attempting to ..... yes i will..  , 


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